So I love painting ogres - so sue me. I really do enjoy them, especially the great Reaper Bones sculpts that you can get for cheap. That and the fact that when they fall they will not break, chip, or even possibly break your toe the way metal ones might.
This fig was an exercise in using GW's Contrast Paints. I used it everywhere except for the skulls and the horn. I also used some acrylics for highlights on the skin areas, as well (I couldn't help it - it needed to be highlighted in a way that I couldn't get the Contrast paint to do). I've been using the contrast paints since they came out, and currently use them for different applications, depending upon the model I'm painting and the effect that I'm looking for. I've found that the browns, for me, have the most use (well, those and Black Templar), and there are others that I like, but do not use as often. And that red tongue our friend below is sporting is all Contrast paint, as well!